ConferencesEvents Peter Loskill as a Guest in the WC11 TALKSHOW Im Rahmen des virtuellen 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life…Silke Riegger2021-09-01
EventsPress Organ-Disc Technology featured on a Podcast! Stefan Schneider was interviewed by the SLAS podcast following his very successful presentation at the…Adrian Weghofer2021-03-25
AchievementsEvents Founding Phase completed – European Organ-on-Chip Society (EUROoCS) now open for Membership! The European Organ-on-Chip Society (EUROoCS) is now welcoming members to join. The annual conference, held…Adrian Weghofer2019-07-03
EventsSocial Group retreat to the Black Forest for a change of scenery and to talk science Peter Loskill2019-06-04