Celia Martínez

Visiting Scientist

Celia studied Biochemistry in the University of Granada and since then she decided to get involved into the Biomedical field. She moved to Barcelona to start her Msc in Translational medicine where she joined Mar Coll e Isabel Graupera's lab and she is currently doing her PhD. The group is interested in understading the signals that are sent from the adipose tissue to the liver and how they impact in metabolic diseases. Moreover, she's focused in the role of adipose tissue macrophages and how they contribute to hepatic damage.

By joining uOrganoLab, Celia is planning to study more deeply how macrophages in the adipose tissue interact with the endothelial cells in the same tissue and to investigate if by inducing higher angiogenesis in the adipose tissue they are able to promote metabolic disease.

In her free time she loves travelling, go running when the weather is nice or going to the gym. She loves hiking, reading and listening to music every time she can.

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