The µOrganoLab led by Peter Loskill was founded in 2016 through the excellence program ‚Fraunhofer Attract‘ of the Fraunhofer Society. In 2018, the µOrganoLab became affiliated with the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen when Peter was assigned Assistant Professor for Experimental Regenerative Medicine at the Department of Women’s Health.
In 2021, in the course of Peter’s appointment as a Full Professor for Organ-on-Chip Systems at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, the lab left Stuttgart and moved entirely to the Medical Faculty of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute in Reutlingen.
Organ-on-Chip – Microphysiological Systems recapitulating complex human biology in vitro
We develop, generate, and employ microphysiological tissue models for biomedical and pharmaceutical research
”If we want to study human (patho)physiology, we need physiological models based on human tissue
Prof. Dr. Peter LoskillW3-Professor for Organ-on-Chip Systems and Head of the Department for Microphysiological Systems at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Group Leader at the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen in Reutlingen and Head of the 3R-Center Tübingen

Our Team
The µOrganoLab team wanders between disciplines to develop and apply innovative novel technologies for advancing human health.
The µOrganoLab brings together basic and translational research and its members come from different nations and disciplines and are working closely together to develop Organ-on-Chip systems as well as enabling technologies and to utilize those to better understand human biology. The lab is characterized by its diversity, interdisciplinary nature and collaborative spirit.

In close collaboration with the 3R-Center Tübingen for In vitro Models and Alternatives to Animal Testing, we are continuously developing and implementing new ideas with ambition and creativity and offer the possibility through our research to reduce the use and necessity of animal testing according to the 3R principle (Replace, Reduce, Refine), to increase the transferability of preclinical results to the clinical phases and thus to make the entire development more cost-effective, safer and faster.
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