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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter Loskill is a founding member and vice chair of the EUROoCS network, which is committed to promoting the organ-on-chip technology internationally. On July 2 and 3, 2019, the first EUROoCs annual conference took place at the University of Technology in Graz, bringing together around 230 international scientists. The conference provided a platform for constructive discussion in this highly interdisciplinary and translational field, bringing together biologists and engineers, industry and academia.


For several colleagues of the IGB the attendance of the annual EUROoCS conference was very successful. Julia Rogal and Johanna Chuchuy were awarded with a prize over 250 € for their poster presentations »WAT-on-a-chip: Microphysiological systems integrating human white adipose tissue« and »Retina-on-a-Chip: Controlled illumination of a PDMS-free Retina-on-a-Chip for the proximity-culture of retinal organoids with pigment epithelial cells«, respectively. Their collegue, Oliver Schneider, was chosen by an international committee to receive the EUROoCS Travel Award, which subsidizes the travel expenses.

Zur Stellenausschreibung

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