Dr. Fulya Ersoy


Fulya received her bachelor’s degree in bioengineering from Ege University in Izmir, Turkey. During this time, she visited the University of Connecticut as a visiting scholar for six months where she first worked with microfluidics and lab-on-chip devices. Upon returning to Europe, she worked as a research scholar for 3D imaging of spinal cord injuries at Ege University. She received her master’s degree in Biomedical Sciences in May 2018, in the topic - 3D compartmentalized co-culturing with UV lithography.

In May 2018, she was awarded a Ph.D. scholarship by the Turkish Ministry of Education. Her interest in neuroscience and microfluidic systems led her to start her Ph.D. at NMI at the University of Tübingen. She joined MicroOrgano Lab in June 2021. Her current work focuses on the fabrication of 3D neuro-microphysiological systems to study disease models.


B. Molina-Martínez, L.-V. Jentsch, F. Ersoy, M. van der Moolen, S. Donato, T. V. Ness, P. Heutink, P. D. Jones, P. Cesare
A multimodal 3D neuro-microphysiological system with neurite-trapping microelectrodes
Biofabrication, 2022, 14, 025004, https://doi.org/10.1088/1758-5090/ac463b

M. van der Moolen, A. Lovera, F. Ersoy, S. Mommo, P. Loskill, P. Cesare
Cancer-mediated axonal guidance of sensory neurons in a microelectrode-based innervation MPS
Biofabrication, 2024, 16, 025013, https://doi.org/10.1088/1758-5090/ad218a