Lisa Lazarevski

MSc Student

Lisa received her Bachelor´s degree in Molecular Biomedicine from the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln in 2021. She wrote her thesis about macrophages and their role in the iron metabolism in mice and pigeons. Lisa moved to Tübingen in 2021 to pursue her Master´s degree in Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and first joined the Micro-Organo-Lab as an intern in November 2022. In September 2023, she returned to our lab to write her Master´s thesis working on Breast-Carcinoma-on-Chip, i.e. helping to understand the roles of adipocytes in breast cancer progression and metastasis.

In her free time, she enjoys baking, playing volleyball, and travelling.


T.I. Maulana, C. Teufel, M. Cipriano, J. Roosz, L. Lazarevski, F.E. van den Hil, L. Scheller, V. Orlova, A. Koch, M. Hudecek, M. Alb, P. Loskill
Breast cancer-on-chip for patient-specific efficacy and safety testing of CAR-T cells
Cell Stem Cell, 2024, 31, P989-1002,

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